I struggled for a while to find a good source of information about the journey, this is the best I have found: www.csj.org.uk
I have also found a good list of all the hostels (Albergues) along the way here which I will hopefully be adding to the map above with a list of the one ones I plan to stay at, the ones I actually stay at and any of the others I can list on there!
I have also created another page where the posts below appear in order from the beginning (a very good place to start)
Also, I am now running walking retreats from Santiago to Finisterre, if you are interested in joining me, there is more information here
Camino Day 40
Day 40 – Travelling back to the UK
Camino Day 39
Day 39 – Santigo rest day!
Camino Day 38
Day 38 – Pedrouzo to Santigo
Camino Day 37
Day 37 – Ribadiso da Baixo to Pedrouzo
Camino Day 36
Day 36 – Palas de Rei to Ribadiso da Baixo
Camino Day 35
Day 35 – Portomarin to Palas de Rei
Camino Day 34
Day 34 – Sarria to Portomarin
Camino Day 33
Day 33 – Triacastela to Sarria
Camino Day 32
Day 32 – O Cebreiro to Triacastela
Camino Day 31
Day 31 – Trabadelo to O Cebreiro