John Denley’s Route To Overcome Mental Illness Without Medication

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Oct 22, 2021 (Vehement Media via COMTEX) — Depression, anxiety, and awareness of the prevalence of mental hardship in modern society have become hot topics. But people often look for quick, straightforward, and cheap solutions to what can become a complicated and deep-rooted problem. John Denley, however, has a long, storied history with depression and believes the answer lies in taking charge of your own mental wellbeing through simple daily habits, skills and techniques.

Informed by the lessons he learned the hard way, John Denley is now a bona fide Anti-Depression Coach. Denley, a firm believer in an array of solutions, including mindfulness and meditation, first gained a passion for studying the subject back in 2012. It now empowers him in his work teaching emotional wellbeing.

John Denley’s pursuits no exception to the complexities of the past year and a half, the COVID-19 pandemic threw a spanner in the works of his plans to deliver in-person workshops as a trainer for Nonetheless, Denley employed the silver lining mentality he had developed over a decade and acknowledged that he would be left unable to connect with people face-to-face. Thus, as in so many other aspects of life, Zoom became the eventual savior of John Denley’s biggest passion.

But what qualifies Denley to approach such a complex issue with confidence? Stretching back to before 2005 when he was working as an IT consultant, John Denley’s regular struggle against depression and anxiety was one he initially attempted to remedy with prescribed antidepressants – a practice he now believes is not a good long term solution.

Other more misguided origin stories may point to a prompt epiphany, but John Denley faced a series of sizeable hurdles before reaching his current contentment. Following his first departure from IT consultancy in 2005, Denley was made redundant after just three months in another company and proceeded to help a friend set up a children’s indoor play center business that landed him £400k in debt by 2007.

Ever resilient in the face of adversity, in 2009 Denley launched, an online booking platform, and worked  ith the forerunner to But in early 2012, Denley suffered a devastating panic attack. What would seem  like rock bottom to those unversed in mental wellbeing became the turning point that Denley needed.

After being prescribed antidepressants for a fourth time, it became clear to Denley: nothing was going to help him but himself. “I decided enough was enough. I wanted to find a way never to have to struggle with depression, or rely on anti-depressants, ever again.”

Taking control first involved educating himself, as John Denley read everything from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness and meditation, to hypnotherapy and neuroscience. This eventually led him to begin to run events for those struggling with depression and anxiety in 2015.

However, this still taboo subject made it tricky to gather an in-person audience.

Frustrated and unsure how to move forward, Denley decided to walk the Camino de Santiago – a 500-mile journey across Spain – in the spring of 2016. It turned out to be the perfect detour for Denley to get back on track, influencing the decisions he makes to this day.

After a brief time back in IT setting up, John Denley had another breakdown and while using his own ’15 Pillars of Happiness’ to recover, he designed and created, an ingenious puzzle (based on the Rubik’s cube) that encourages users to rely on their patience, mindfulness, and positive mental habits to reverse engineer their own mental health. Denley now knew that these ’15 Pillars of Happiness’ would form the foundations that, he
suggests, allow an individual to free themselves from depression and anxiety for good without
pharmaceutical assistance.

Working with coaches from and during 2020 and 2021, John Denley had finally arrived at and grasped his true calling: that of an Anti-depression Coach, striving to spread his understanding of mental strength with individuals in their homes through group and one-to-one coaching over Zoom.

Moreover, John Denley had learned to incorporate the past into his future, with the inception of an ambitious plan to run a seven-day walking retreat across North West Spain, from Santiago to Finisterre. It’s a journey on which Denley purports to become a ‘personal trainer’ for the participant’s mind, enabling them to escape the ‘hamster wheel’ of their daily lives.

In short, John Denley proposes an alternate, more active view of one of the most significant perils of modern living. As Denley says:

“In order to change your life, you have to become ACE: be Aware, Choose & Execute”

and the best place to start is with his ‘Create Happy’ process at