Looking ahead at 2018
Where did it all go right? Where did it all change? Why is 2018 shaping up to be the perfect time for me to finally allow myself to relax and become the man I have always meant to be and release my awesomeness onto the world?
Camino Day 40
Day 40 – Travelling back to the UK
Camino Day 39
Day 39 – Santigo rest day!
Camino Day 38
Day 38 – Pedrouzo to Santigo
Camino Day 37
Day 37 – Ribadiso da Baixo to Pedrouzo
Camino Day 36
Day 36 – Palas de Rei to Ribadiso da Baixo
Camino Day 35
Day 35 – Portomarin to Palas de Rei
Camino Day 34
Day 34 – Sarria to Portomarin
Camino Day 33
Day 33 – Triacastela to Sarria
Camino Day 32
Day 32 – O Cebreiro to Triacastela